About Travis Toner

Travis has lived in NH his whole life. He grew up in Lyme NH. Travis went to the University of New Hampshire, Durham and graduated in 2003 with a BA in political Science and a associates in Business Management. Throughout his life he has had many challenges. He worked hard and fought to overcome and work with dyslexia. He started early in life learning a trade while working with a family owned business. While in high school he worked at a grocery store to pay for a car and insurance and other expenses. After graduating college, he worked at a correction facility for 2 years, and for the State of NH in two departments for a total of 16 years. Travis knows how the state operates and change is needed. He has lived in Belmont for 5 years and loves the lakes region.
Travis is a avid hunter and fisherman and a 2A guy. He knows the importance of responsible gun ownership and how it is being threatened by "common sense gun control" among other things. He is very connected to the environment Due to his love of hunting, fishing and hiking, one goal is to improve hunting in NH.
Travis wants to use his knowledge and experience to help NH grow in a way where government takes a side seat and allows people to grow on their own. He is a supporter of limited government in state and federal arenas, we must slowly chip away at the growth that has occurred causing erosion of rights and ever increasing cost of living that is directly related to the bad decisions that are being made on the state and federal levels. He knows the average family has seen an increase of $1000 dollars or more in cost of groceries per month in the last years. This is unacceptable. Housing has also doubled in cost in last couple of years. Travis has two nieces that are graduating college soon in New England, it is not fare that they must pay the price when starting out, for our leadership in the state and federal government that has been spending money with reckless abandon. The government does not help people, it needs to get out of our way.